While the remnants of the Covid-19 epidemic continue to linger, Our Saviour Center’s collaboration with the Center for Strategic Partnerships, Community Partners, local businesses and organizations via the County Covid-19 Community Equity Fund (CCCEF) grant has enabled us to be on the frontlines of ensuring a healthy and safe San Gabriel Valley. We are excited to announce a Covid-19 resource webpage has been developed to offer up-to-date resource information for El Monte and surrounding communities on local Covid-19 vaccination events! www.VaccinateElMonte.org is available to view in Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese, and we hope you will share this with friends, neighbors and peers. Since May of this year, Our Saviour Center has engaged with more than 1,800 community members at 21 vaccination sites and pop-up events… and we are not done yet! We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone age 12 and up, regardless of ethnicity or socioeconomic background, has access to Covid-19 testing and vaccination. Our Facebook page also has current vaccination event information and flyer postings, including the local community center and elementary school sites where we offer incentives to the community in an ongoing push for everyone to get their free vaccine. Not connected to Our Saviour Center on Facebook? Join us at www.Facebook.com/SaviourCenter and spread the word!
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